What is Snoman?

Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Inc. is a non-profit organization representing 53 member snowmobiling clubs that maintain and groom over 13,000 kilometres of Manitoba’s scenic trails. Member clubs are financially supported through the sale of Snopasses.

Extreme Sports Bike
our beliefs

Our Mission

Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Incorporated is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to its member clubs to develop and maintain safe and environmentally responsible snowmobile trails to further the enjoyment of organized recreational snowmobiling throughout Manitoba.

we are dedicated

Our Vision

Snoman is dedicated to being an organization with a strong volunteer base, the safest trail system in North America, and sustainable funding.


We strive for open and effective communications within our organization and the public and readily share information to keep everyone informed.

We promote cooperation and support among staff, board members, and partners to enhance our combined knowledge and achieve common goals.

Through sound judgment, ethical behaviour, and fiscally responsible administration of resources, we are accountable to our members for decisions made, policies implemented, and actions are taken.

We are transparent in the way we communicate with others, providing timely, relevant, and accurate information, and we encourage and promote participation in decision-making by all members of our organization.

Collaboration, Partnership, and Cooperation
We recognize and appreciate volunteers and partners that assist with the operation of our clubs, and we seek opportunities to form alliances with others to maximize our resources.

Change and Innovation
We are open to change and look for creative new ways to fulfill our vision, mission, and goals.


Jason Wiebe

President’s Message

This past season wasn’t a good snow season but at least it’s behind us. The lack of snow provided many challenges this year, however, we still managed to get some good trails going. Despite some clubs not being able to open this year, we know that everyone worked incredibly hard to prepare trails and signage, only to have to take it down again, as frustrating as that can be, your efforts did not go unnoticed.

We saw an influx of snowmobile traffic in some areas in the interlake and western regions. This was a welcome sight for many rural businesses that rely on snowmobiling during the slow winter tourism months. We thank those clubs who groomed around the clock to keep the trails in shape for visitors.

Many questions about funding have come into the office, let me reassure you that your Snoman team is well aware of the challenges that a year like this brings. We will ensure that equitable funding is provided and that clubs, and Snoman, continue to be viable with long-term and sustainable financial plans that are resilient enough to persevere through swings in weather patterns.

I would like to thank those who made this past season a success. A big thank you to our landowners, volunteers, Snopass holders, and corporate rider partners. Without you, managing the largest recreational trail system in the province would not be possible. Enjoy summer with your family and friends and I look forward to seeing you on the trails next year.

Ride Safe, Ride Often, Ride Right!!!

Jason Wiebe

President, Snoman Inc.

Our Staff

Yvonne Rideout

Yvonne Rideout

Executive Director

P: (204) 990-7411

Chantel Saarinen

Shirley Livingstone

SnoFund Administrator

P: (204) 940-7533
E: snofundadmin@snoman.mb.ca

Noel Martin

Chantel Saarinen

Administrative Coordinator

P: (204) 940-7533
E: admincoor@snoman.mb.ca

Shirley Livingstone

Noël Martin

Snoman GPS Data Coordinator

P: (204) 940-7533


Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Inc. was incorporated and registered under the ‘Companies Act’ on November 13, 1975. Snoman Inc. was established to:

  • Advance organized snowmobiling in Manitoba;
  • Coordinate matters of mutual interest for organizations that relate to snowmobiling;
  • Develop snowmobile trails and associated facilities;
  • Promote snowmobile safety;
  • Consult with representatives from the public sector, private sector, and other provincial snowmobile associations across Canada;
  • Assist with protecting the environment; and
  • Perform desirable and lawful functions in the general public interest.

In 1994, Snoman Inc. and the Province of Manitoba entered into an agreement that enacted the Snopass, under the Crown Lands Act, Provincial Snowmobile Trail Regulation. The Snopass provides clubs with revenue to maintain designated snowmobile trails. Designated snowmobile trails provide:

  • The safest alternative for riders to enjoy snowmobiling;
  • Trails that help reduce trespassing on private property;
  • Winter travel links to communities throughout rural and northern Manitoba;
  • Dollars to businesses reliant on winter tourism;
  • Tax revenue for both the federal and provincial governments;
  • Increased revenue to snowmobiling related industries; and
  • Economic benefit of more than three hundred million dollars annually to the Manitoba economy.

The Snopass system was created to provide a user-pay system. It ensured that riders who use the trail system were helping to fund its ongoing operating costs by paying into it. It provided Snoman Inc., its Regional Snowmobile Associations, and its member clubs a more stabilized funding base to help finance the operations and administration associated with snowmobile trail maintenance.

get out there

Snoman Events

Mooswa Lake Snow Riders Winter Gala

November 16 @ 5:00 pm - November 17 @ 12:00 am

Mooswa Lake Snow Riders are excited to announce their Winter Gala at the Brokenhead River Community [...]