Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Inc. is a non-profit organization representing 53 member snowmobiling clubs that maintain and groom over 13,000 kilometres of Manitoba’s scenic trails. Member clubs are financially supported through the sale of Snopasses.
Border Valley Snow Goers
- Locations: Winkler, Plum Coulee, St. Jean, Morris, Altona, Morden, Emerson, Letellier, lowe Farm, Rosenort
- Website:
- Club meetings: every 2 weeks (in season months)
Club Snow Inc.
- Locations: Portage La Prairie, Rosendale, St Ambroise, St. Claude, Rathwell, St. Laurent, Gladstone, Treherne, Holland to Spruce Woods Provincial Park
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st &; 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:30 pm(October - April)
Cross Country Snowdrifters
- Locations: Assiniboine River, Springstein, Starbuck, Fannystelle, Elie, Elm Creek, Brunkild, Domain, St. Agathe, La Salle, Oak Bluff, Headingley
- Website:
- Club meetings: monthly during season
Pembina Valley Snowkickers
- Locations: Swan Lake, Somerset, Notre Dame, Altamont, St Leon, Manitou, Darlingford, Morden, La Riviere, Snowflake, Pilot Mound, Crystal City, Clearwater, Glenora, Mariapolis
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Wednesday of month (October-April)
Snoflies Snowmobile Club Inc.
- Locations: Brunkild, Carman, Roland, Roseisle, St. Claude, Elm Creek, Sperling, Homewood
- Website:
- Club meetings: First Tuesday every other month (Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr)
Brokenhead Trail Blazers Power Toboggan Club Inc.
- Locations: Mars Sand Hills, Gull Lake, Beausejour, Tyndall, Stead, Scanterbury, Beaconia
- Website:
- Club meetings: Second week of each month
Eastman SnoPals
- Locations: Pinawa, Seddons Corner, Lac du Bonnet, Whitemouth, Elma & Seven Sisters
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2rd week of the month
Lee River Snow Riders
- Locations: Lee River, Bird River NE of Lac du Bonnet
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly - September to May
Maskwa Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Great Falls, Powerview, Pine Falls, North & South of the Winnipeg River
- Website:
- Club meetings: Once a month (Sept-May)
Mooswa Lake Snowriders Inc.
- Locations: Milner Ridge, South of Pine Falls
- Website:
- Club meetings: Third Tuesday of the month
Nopiming Sno-Mads
- Locations: Nopiming Provincial Park, Bird Lake
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly (Sept - March)
North Star Hill Climbers Inc.
- Locations: Grand Marais, Grand Beach, Belair Forest, Stead
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Saturday of every month
Red River Trail Grooming Association
- Locations: Morris, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Malo, Carlowrie, Emerson, Dominion City, Arnaud
- Website:
- Club meetings: monthly during season
Reynolds Snow Riders
- Locations: Hadashville, Prawda, East Braintree
- Website:
- Club meetings: Every second Wednesday of every month
Snow Raiders Snowmobile Club Inc.
- Locations: Ste. Anne, Richer, Landmark, St Rita, Deacons Corner, Steinbach, La Broquerie
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month
South East Sno-Riders Inc.
- Locations: South Steinbach, South Junction, Woodridge, Can-Am, Tin Pan, Moose Lake, La Broquerie, Sandilands Provincial Forest
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Monday of every month
Springfield Pathfinders Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Oakbank, Dugald, Floodway, Garson, Tyndall, Anola, St Rita, Vivian
- Website:
- Club meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Springhill Trailblazers
- Locations: Birds Hill Park, Libau, Selkirk, Hwy 59
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month (Oct-April)
Victoria Beach Snow Drifters
- Locations: Victoria Beach, Belair Forest, Lake Winnipeg
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly (Sept-March)
Voyager Trail Grooming Assoc.
- Locations: St. Malo, Ille des Chenes, St. Agathe, St. Pierre, Grunthal, Kleefeld, Arnaud, Morris, Aubigny, Niverville, St. Adolphe, Lorette
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Thursday of the month
Whiteshell Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Whiteshell Provincial Park
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly (Nov-March)
Ashern Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Ashern
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Thursday each month
Interlake Snow Trackers
- Locations: Winnipeg Beach, Arborg, Gimli, Riverton, Hecla, Petersfield
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Inwood Snowmobile Club
Lakeside Sno-Drifters
- Locations: Steep Rock, Faulkner
- Website:
- Club meetings: 4 times a year - Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr
Log Cabin Riders
- Locations: Moosehorn
- Website:
- Club meetings: monthly
Lundar Sports Riders
- Locations: Lundar, Eriksdale, Narcisse, Clarkleigh, Oak Point
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly
Northern Lites Snowmobile Club Inc.
- Locations: St. Laurent, Marquette, Woodlands, Warren, St. Francois Xavier
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Friday of each month
Northern Trail Blazers Inc.
- Locations: Fisher Branch, Popularfield, Broad Valley, Chatfield, Hodgson
- Website:
- Club meetings: once a month
South Interlake SnoRiders Inc.
- Locations: Stony Mountain, Stonewall, Balmoral, Argyle
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Wednesday of every month
St. Martin Power Toboggan Club Inc.
- Locations: St. Martin, Gypsumville
- Website:
- Club meetings: end of the month
Border Explorers Snowmobile Club Inc
- Locations: Flin Flon, Creighton (Sask.), Denare Beach (Sask.)
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st & 3rd Monday November - April
Gillam Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Gillam
- Website:
- Club meetings: Once a month
Kelsey Trail Sno-Riders
- Locations: The Pas, Clearwater Lake Park, Wanless
- Website:
- Club meetings: 3rd Monday of each month
Snow Lake Sno-Drifters
- Locations: Snow Lake
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly
Thompson Trailbreakers
- Locations: Thompson, Paint Lake Provincial Park, Ponton
- Website:
- Club meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month
Border Snow Riders
- Locations: Melita, Medora, Elva, Pierson
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Wednesday of every month
Dauphin & District Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Dauphin, Gilbert Plains, Ethelbert, Fork River, Garland, Keld, Pine River, Riding Mountain, Sifton, Ukraina, Valley River, Winnipegosis
- Website:
- Club meetings: TBA
Intermountain Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Grandview, South Duck Mountain Park, Ashville, Gilbert Plains
- Website:
- Club meetings: Monthly
North Mountain Riders
Ochre River Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Ochre River, Ste. Rose
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Prairie Mountain Snow Drifters
- Locations: Neepawa, Gladstone, Carberry, Minnedosa, Erickson
- Website:
- Club meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Roblin Snowmobile Association
- Locations: Roblin
- Website:
- Club meetings: As required
Snowtraxx Snowmobile Club Inc.
- Locations: Russell, Rossburn, Foxwarren, Angusville, Assessippi, Birtle, Inglis, St.Lazare, Waywayseecappo, Vista, Olha, Binscarth
- Website:
- Club meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month
Southwest Snowtrackers
- Locations: Turtle Mountain Park, Deloraine, Elgin, Hartney, Boissevain, Souris, Lake Metigoshe
- Website:
- Club meetings: Third week of the month
Sprucewoods Snowdrifters
- Locations: South of Brandon, Shilo, Carberry, Douglas
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Tuesday of every month
Ste. Amelie Ridge Riders
- Locations: Ste. Rose, Ste. Amelie, Laurier, McCreary
- Website:
- Club meetings: monthly
Swan Valley Snowmobile Club Assoc. Inc.
Thunder & Ice Snowmobile Club
- Locations: Oak River, Hamiota, Miniota, Shoal Lake, Oakburn, Elphinstone, Sandy Lake, Onanole, Kenton
- Website:
- Club meetings: First or second Tuesday of the month , Hamiota rink 7pm
Tri Lake Trail Busters
- Locations: Wawanesa, Glenboro, Belmont, Ninette, Dunrea, Killarney, South to the Border
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month
Turtle View Drifters
- Locations: Waskada, Goodlands, Lake Stanley
- Club meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month
Valleyview Sno-Riders Inc.
- Locations: North of Brandon, Rivers, Rapid City, Minnedosa, Oak Rivers
- Website:
- Club meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month (Oct - Apr)
Virden Valley Runners
- Locations: Virden, Miniota, South of Oak Lake
- Website:
- Club meetings: 1st Tuesday of each month